Animals, Pets & Veterinary All Categories... Animal CareAnimal WelfareEquine ServicesEquine Therapeutic ServicesHorse Equipment/ServicesPet Services / SuppliesVeterinarians go Results Found: 11 Button group with nested dropdown High & Mighty Therapeutic Riding and Driving Center, Inc. 71 County Route 21C Ghent NY 12075 (518) 672-4202 Hudson Veterinary Clinic 263 Fairview Avenue Hudson NY 12534 (518) 671-6000 Animalkind Inc. Animalkind Inc. 721 Warren Street Hudson NY 12534 (518) 822-8643 Waldorf Farm LLC 89 Waldorf Road North Chatham NY 12132 1-518-766-7472 Gina's K-9 B&B 349 Farm Road Copake NY 12516 (518) 329-4675 Columbia-Greene Humane Society/SPCA 111 Humane Society Road Hudson NY 12534 (518) 828-6044 Dog's Country Hudson (212) 529-7837 Alberts Equine Dental Supply, Inc. 187 Richmond Road Valaite NY 12184 (518) 766-0430 Playyard, The Playyard, The 88 County Route 21 Hillsdale NY 12529 (518) 764-1320 Copake Veterinary Hospital 7915 State Route 22 Copakefalls NY 12517 (518) 329-6161 Equine Advocates, Inc. 3212 State Route 66 Valatie NY 12184 (518) 245-1599